Our Services
Field of services
- Consultancy services including planning, survey, design, cost estimation, construction, supervision and monitoring of physical infrastructure development programme with a special focus on participatory, labour-based, environment-friendly rural roads.
- Project planning, design and evaluation of various rural infrastructure projects.
- Studies and research on sustainable infrastructure development.
- Training on various aspects of sustainable development, people’s participation, labour-based construction technology, low-cost construction techniques and bioengineering.
- Establishment of database and information dissemination on environment and development.
- Project implementation on rural transport, bioengineering, river training, watershed conservation, urban development, etc.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of various development projects.
- Geographic Information System (GIS) for the preparation, digitization, analysis and interpretation of maps.
- GPS (Global Positioning System) based survey works.
Project Data Sheet
SIDeF has worked on numerous projects throughout the country, and international; since establishment in 1994. Here is the data sheet of undergone projects in last two decades.